Thursday, January 26, 2012

thursday night bordem

as a result of boredom i decided to post this with absolutley no regard to spelling, punctuation or capitilization i figured hey why not sounded good at the time, but after about this far it drove me crazy!! So back to "Proper English". What dictates proper English? I mean really, in a world were Ghoti = Fish, who dictates what is proper or not? I found this on a webpage discussing the same topis...
  • the gh = f as in rouGH
  • the o = i as in wOmen
  • the ti = sh as in naTIon
Isn't that just bizzare? Well enough about my distaste for the way the English language is. I was sifting through a flash drive i've had sitting around on my desk for some time, and i found some old pics on it. Here's a few of the nicer ones that I decided to save. Most of them were taken with a cell phone, or a cheap digital camera, but everyone has to start some were right?  Enjoy.

These are a few from the first storm drain I ever explored. Thanks again Dimitri.

Unfortunately the only picture I ever took of the picture window at Bootleggers (RIP)
My first trip out onto the bridge. Scariest moments of my life. (at that time)
Doesn't that just make you wanna dig deeper?
That's all I have. One day Ill get out and retake the crappy photos and have nice ones for you, but that day may never come, so figured id share these with you all.


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